Gift Registration Form

Plan Semanal 4 Cajas Prepagadas

Total: COP159,500.00

Your information(who sends the gift)

Details of who receives the gift

Where do we ship it to?

Gift Conditions

Plan Semanal 4 Cajas Prepagadas

Total: COP159,500.00

  • We ship only on Tuesdays.
  • Gift boxes are delivered from when the person is able to receive them.
  • When the recharge is finished No need to pay anything else.
  • The person who receives can always pause the order by notifying us before Tuesday. When the delivery is paused the left boxes are not discounted.

Al confirmar el pago nos autorizas a enviarte una caja semanalmente. Al cabo de las 4 semanas te notificaremos y tu decidirás si deseas renovar tu suscripción o si deseas pausar. Por lo general nuestros clientes se acogen al hábito mensual o sencillamente si no lo pagas se cancela. No se descuenta automáticamente. No hay clausulas de permanencia. Si deseas suspender esta autorización es muy fácil, nos puedes informar por mail o por whatsapp 3175153493 para que no te enviemos tus cajitas. By confirming you accept our TOS Terms of Service and our privacy policy Privacy policy.